Happy New Year(!!!),For Just Stay Busy Planting Flowers While Everything(and Everyone) Gets Dysfunctional.

  Well,its is now the brand new year of 2024,which is going to be an election years in both the Presidency and for mayors,senators,governors,council people,and so forth as from what is occurring right now via the fallout of 2023(mainly the end of it) you are just better off busily planting flowers while everything(and everybody) gets heavily dysfunctional.

  First off,as far as it goes with the movie industry(along with the sports and music industry) it seems as though all of the horror/genre/mainstream modern movie fans,modern film journalists,modern film critics,modern magazine/website editors,and modern filmmakers(mainly all in modern horror cinema) seem to be like the AEW fans and the far right wingers in acting like they all share one brain and one personality in true (STAR TREK’s) Borg fashion) with the Borg Queen replaced by Harry Knowles(The Sultan Of Absolute Suckiness) as it sadly bad upon how all of the intelligent fans and all of the intelligent journalists of the past are all gone as though they were all sucked off the face of the Earth by (as Video Junkie’s Thomas Sueyres[a.k.a.: Tom Simmons] states it) “a swirling vortex of darkness that swallows black holes”,for if everyone in the genre continues to be lazy(to the point of endlessly saying the super annoying terms of “I never heard of this film”.”I never saw this film”,”Underrated”,”I never heard of this person”,”Fight Me !!!!”,and “Your form of entertainment sucks !”[when its their form of entertainment that actually sucks !!!]) and sporting 11 year-olds with AAD(who apparently flunked fifth grade four times) attitudes that will sadly cause the genre(both mainstream cinema and horror cinema related) will be gone and no longer exist in the next three-to five years unless we all get mature,adult,and change our attitudes to be intelligent and respectable again. And no,it isn’t “Woke” that is killing Hollywood and movies(as the idiot conservative film industry analysts are claiming) as it is just talentless filmmakers,equally talentless scriptwriters,and completely brainless producers that are killing the film business

  And as far as it goes for ex-President Donald Trump: Who Cares if he actually wears Harry Knowles-esque poopy adult diapers ?! And who cares about all of the other politicians that are out there attempting to lay claim to everything in life. And who cares about Princess Puke Vomit a.k.a.: Gypsy Rose Blanchard,her brainless supporters,and her dumb-as-a-rock husband,for what is planning to do other than being a media attention magnet(after being released from prison for kill her abusive mother while looking completely unhinged and ready to kill again) for she us planning for run for President next to further annoy us normal people(with a brain) ?! For how much sooner until both Gypsy Rose and her husband get eaten by the shark that they’re repeatedly jumping over ?!

  Otherwise,let’s just all just wisely sit back and watch out of the fireworks coming out of the movie scene and (mainly) the political scene and just busily plant flowers to stay extremely stay away from the dysfunctional mayhem of modern society.

R.I.P.: David Soul And Tisa Farrow.

— Steven M.

About stevenmillan

I'm just a simple genre cinema fan(NOT a fanboy and NOT a geek)who widely glimpses onto the latest in cinema news,cinema events,and world news of the day events,and just to warn you(especially if you're one of those politically correct elitists,or strongly despise folks that never brownnose the genre cinema media press):I do sharply bite.
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