Of Creepy Sean Combs(A.K.A.:Puff Daddy,P. Diddy),The Even Creepier Dan Schneider,O.J. Simpson’s Death,And The Endless Nationwide Pro-Palestine College Campus Riots.

So,the endless nationwide pro-Palestine college campus riots are overtaking everything in the media,including Donald Trump’s latest court room case,all while two major scumbags that are under investigation and guilty of their crimes who happen to be Dan Schneider(of HEAD OF THE CLASS and Nickelodeon fame) and Sean “Puffy/Puff Daddy/P. Diddy” Combs as the feds have been busy pursing after P. Diddy while ramsacking his houses while Creepy Dan has been complaining about the recent QUIET ON THE SET documentary as everyone(myself included) that both Diddy and Creepy Dan eventually get arrested and placed into prisons(where they belong),otherwise I just wonder where in the hell is Gloria Allred(Ms. Anti-Male/Pro-Womens’/Pro-Childrens’ Rights Crusader) in all of this(involving both Diddy and Schneider) being that was strongly crusading against both O.J. Simpson and Scott Peterson back in the day.

And BTW,before I get to O.J. and his never ending murder saga(even after his recent death),there have been an awful lot of nationwide college campuses where many students are heavily protesting for pro-Palestine rights as I fully believe that these massive pro-Palestine protest at college campuses are all covers by Mitch McConnell,his Supreme Court judges(Alito,Barrett,Gorsuche,Kavanaugh,and Thomas),and their far right wing minions(such as the Tea Party,QAnon,Marjorie Taylor Greene,Greg Abbott,and Infowars[and its deranged leader Alex Jones]) by using the media in their attempt to demolish and destroy American democracy and the likes of full fledged rights to abortion,porn,gay,trans,and womens rights and every single social freedom that is around,which is something that these nationwide college students really need to protest for as they all don’t live in Palestine and they shouldn’t be protesting for a country that they don’t live in as they should mightily protest(and in a peaceful manner) about the ongoing bad things in America(a nation where they actually live in).

And speaking of O.J.,O.J. is now dead from prostate cancer at the age of 67,for both Fred Goldman and his adult daughter Kim Goldman shouldn’t bother with chasing after O.J.’s mightily cursed blood money as they both should instead go searching for the killer of JonBenet Ramsey that is obviously hiding behind the cloaks of both JonBenet’s family(who are all still under The Umbrella Of Suspicion) and their lawyer L. Lin Wood and finally solve this longtime cold case murder(that only Fred and Kim can fully solve),as even former Wheaties cover boy/athlete-turned-Kris Kardashian husband-turned-trans figure Kaitlyn “Bruce” Jenner rightfully put it best: “Good Riddance !!!!”.

Otherwise,I’ve got to go(for now).

Happy Month Of May,Everyone !!!

— Steven M.

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Now That We Live In A New Era Of Horror(In The 2020s),Here Are 10 Ways To Be A Modern Horror Movie Fan

It has now been officially declared that the (post-COVID-19 pandemic era if the) 2020s has brought in a New Era Of Horror as many theatrically released horror films have made more money than the past films of 30 to 40 years ago.

Therefore,here is a guide(that is inspired by Technical Work Rate Productions’ co-host NC[of his 10 To 15 Ways In Becoming A Modern Wrestler list) upon how to successfully become a modern horror cinema fan(with Number 1.[and reasons given why] down below)……

2. Dress like an alt.rock/nu metal 13 year old teenager,perform cosplaying a lot(if you’re a gal and/or are at a modern horror convention),and/or grow a long beard and/or shave your head.

3. You must say the likes of “I never heard of this film”,”Underrated”,”I never heard of this celebrity”,and “Any good ?” an awful lot until it hurts. And always refer to an actress as an “actor”.

4. You must consider SLEEPAWAY CAMP,FRIDAY THE 13TH.(2009),DAWN OF THE DEAD(2004[which launched the careers of both Zach Snyder and James Gunn]),and Rob Zombie’s HALLOWEEN II(2009),and to be all-time classics.

5. You must like and be a fan of GAME OF THRONES(one of the most super overrated and downright terrible cable television shows).

6. Fall down to the ground and avidly worship the likes of Quentin Tarantino,Ari Aster,Eli Roth,S. Craig Zahler,Rob Zombie,Mike Flanagan,Edgar Wright,Adam Green,Joe Lynch,Adam Wingard,Ti West,Brandon Cronenberg,James Gunn,Zack Snyder,Kathleen Kennedy,J.J. Abrams,the French chick who made RAW and TITANE,and The Soska Sisters in being self appointed movie Gods(who you must consider to be are all bigger than the entire world).

7. Talk and write like an eleven-year-old with ADD,ala all of the modern film journalists,all of the magazine/website editors,and all of the modern film podcasters.

8. Whine and hysterically cry about the Oscars hating horror cinema(even if THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS swept all of the top Oscars[including Best Pictures] in 1992).

9. Consider A24 to be “The Greatest Genre Film Company Eeeevvvvaaaarrrrr !!!!”(even though the Real greatest genre film companies to ever exist are American International Pictures,Cannon Films,Dimension Pictures,PM Entertainment,Empire Pictures,Hammer Films,Universal Pictures,Amicus Productions,Paramount Pictures,New World Pictures,Toho Studios,Toei Studios,and Full Moon Pictures/Features).

10. Appease Harry Knowles(the Dave Meltzer of both mainstream movies and genre movies).

And Number 1: Openly declare that “2022 Is The Best Year For Horror Cinema Evvvvaaaaarrrrr !!!!” . BTW:the reason why Number 1 is down here is because my PC kept goofing up and kept frequently freezing on me.

There !!!! See ‘ya all on the next blog(which should come out a lot more quicker)…

Heck,I’ll even return with a sequel to this list once I remember some more stuff to place on here(such as modern Day Fangoria magazine,Rue Morgue magazine,All long running modern horror magazines,and Blumhouse Productions[the latter who make a lot of money]).

I’ve Been Very Busy For The Last Two Months,Which Is Why My Blog Was On Hold,For Read Upward When My Next Blog Entry Will Be Coming…

And P.S.: Fuck You,Dan Schneider(And All Of Your Nickelodeon Minions[Such As Brian Peck And Josh What’s-His-Face]) And P. Diddy(Alias Sean “Puffy” Combs/Puff Daddy) !!!!

  • Steven M.
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Happy New Year(!!!),For Just Stay Busy Planting Flowers While Everything(and Everyone) Gets Dysfunctional.

  Well,its is now the brand new year of 2024,which is going to be an election years in both the Presidency and for mayors,senators,governors,council people,and so forth as from what is occurring right now via the fallout of 2023(mainly the end of it) you are just better off busily planting flowers while everything(and everybody) gets heavily dysfunctional.

  First off,as far as it goes with the movie industry(along with the sports and music industry) it seems as though all of the horror/genre/mainstream modern movie fans,modern film journalists,modern film critics,modern magazine/website editors,and modern filmmakers(mainly all in modern horror cinema) seem to be like the AEW fans and the far right wingers in acting like they all share one brain and one personality in true (STAR TREK’s) Borg fashion) with the Borg Queen replaced by Harry Knowles(The Sultan Of Absolute Suckiness) as it sadly bad upon how all of the intelligent fans and all of the intelligent journalists of the past are all gone as though they were all sucked off the face of the Earth by (as Video Junkie’s Thomas Sueyres[a.k.a.: Tom Simmons] states it) “a swirling vortex of darkness that swallows black holes”,for if everyone in the genre continues to be lazy(to the point of endlessly saying the super annoying terms of “I never heard of this film”.”I never saw this film”,”Underrated”,”I never heard of this person”,”Fight Me !!!!”,and “Your form of entertainment sucks !”[when its their form of entertainment that actually sucks !!!]) and sporting 11 year-olds with AAD(who apparently flunked fifth grade four times) attitudes that will sadly cause the genre(both mainstream cinema and horror cinema related) will be gone and no longer exist in the next three-to five years unless we all get mature,adult,and change our attitudes to be intelligent and respectable again. And no,it isn’t “Woke” that is killing Hollywood and movies(as the idiot conservative film industry analysts are claiming) as it is just talentless filmmakers,equally talentless scriptwriters,and completely brainless producers that are killing the film business

  And as far as it goes for ex-President Donald Trump: Who Cares if he actually wears Harry Knowles-esque poopy adult diapers ?! And who cares about all of the other politicians that are out there attempting to lay claim to everything in life. And who cares about Princess Puke Vomit a.k.a.: Gypsy Rose Blanchard,her brainless supporters,and her dumb-as-a-rock husband,for what is planning to do other than being a media attention magnet(after being released from prison for kill her abusive mother while looking completely unhinged and ready to kill again) for she us planning for run for President next to further annoy us normal people(with a brain) ?! For how much sooner until both Gypsy Rose and her husband get eaten by the shark that they’re repeatedly jumping over ?!

  Otherwise,let’s just all just wisely sit back and watch out of the fireworks coming out of the movie scene and (mainly) the political scene and just busily plant flowers to stay extremely stay away from the dysfunctional mayhem of modern society.

R.I.P.: David Soul And Tisa Farrow.

— Steven M.

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The Controversies Surrounding THANKSGIVING,TERRIFIER 3,And The SCREAM Series

Since the month of December is now here(which means that not only are the likes of Hannukah,Christmas Eve,Christmas Day,New year’s Eve,and New Year’s Dat are coming up,but we also have Only 29 Days Left of this year),but I’m also bringing a blog entry that I originally planned for around Thanksgiving Day but decided to move to right now(since everyone is too busy summing up the just released GODZILLA:MINUS ONE as “The Best Godzilla Movie Evvvvaaaarrrrrrr[/Ever] !!!!”)….

Here are three big movies that have got a lot of controversies surrounding them…

  • SCREAM: Since SCREAM 7 is in the planning stage,the likes of its current stars Melissa Barrera and Jenna Ortega have their fates surrounding their roles in the SCREAM series up in the air since Melissa got fired due to making a pro-Palestine political statement surrounding the recent Israel/Palestine war
  • (as mixing up Hollywood celebrities with political statement has been a Big No-No since 9/11[via the last 22 years]),with Jenna refusing to return to the series over this that has left modern horror/genre fanboys,fangirls,and modern horror/genre journalists,film critics,podcasters,vidcasters,and magazines/websites editors all hysterically crying in their Cheerios as all I can just say is to stop acting ridiculous and just replace both Melissa and Jenna with both Danielle Harris and Scout Taylor Compton as entirely new characters to continue the cinema world of the SCREAM Universe with(as MTV’s three season SCREAM series proved that it can be done).
  • The currently-in-theaters full length version of THANKSGIVING is basically SCREAM JR. with(what turned out to be) a deceptive GRINDHOUSE trailer as that film got toned down(exploitation elements-wise) for the Anti-Nudity/Anti-Trailers/Anti-Grindhouse Millennial/Zoomers horror/genre crowd,as the main controversy here are its filmmaker Eli Roth’s pro-Israel/anti-Hamas views that got him a lot of heat on Twitter as Eli has the right to his political opinions.
  • TERRIFIER 3’s teaser trailer was recently released which infuriated a lot of people,ranging from those who think that T#’s trailer gave a Spoiler on its Holiday theme(that they felt gave away the whole film[when the movie hasn’t been made yet]) to some thinking that the trailer suggest violent child killing when it’s not even a scene from the film as those fools all need to know that TERRIFIER 3 isn’t filming yet and all of the complaining and crying in the world is only going to make the TERRIFIER series’ creator/filmmaker Damien Leone happy and be very super stoked in knowing how his series deeply affects people(in that very manner),as well as how super stoked Leone must also be in knowing how many fans have gone to see TERRIFIER 2 about 5 to 20 to 55 to over 100 times(whether in theaters and/or on DVD/Blu Ray).

There you have it in dealing with these controversies surrounding these three films,as we’ll just move wisely onward toward Hannukah,Christmas,and the New Year….

Now In Theaters(Alongside GODZILLA:MINUS ZERO): SILENT NIGHT,John Woo’s First American Film In Over 22 Years,As It May Look Like Woo’s Version Of (The Kevin Bacon Starring) DEATH SENTENCE But It Looks To Be A Very Good And Decent Actioner.

— Steven M.


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Of TERRIFIER 3,(YouTube Based)Prism’s STAR WARS Sequel Trilogy,And The Upcoming THANKSGIVING(The Movie)

First Off,if anyone has paid attention to my Letterboxd page I have been spending the last month-and-a-half(and right now) watching endless amounts of vintage horror films just to regain my love of horror cinema and cinema itself just to resurrect my love for films and horror films since horror cinema is once again in as much of a transitional period as it has been in 1978-1981,the early 2000s,the mid 2010s,and the last three-to-five years(2018-2023) and I’ve got to keep up with it as much as possible.


Otherwise,I’m glad that not only is TERRIFIER 3 is coming along next year but it also has got a Christmas theme attached to it,as I have been hearing lots of people from the anti-Spoilers crowds(including a guy at Rue Morgue magazine–Really ?! Seriously ?! From Rue Morgue[?!?!],the Canadian magazine that replaced Fangoria as the Number One horror cinema magazine[which is actually true]) for being angry about the mere mention of this very theme(of a popular horror subgenre) as those anti-Spoilers people really need to lighten up and just look forward to the new TERRIFIER film,be appreciative that a new TERRIFIER film is coming in 2024,and that it is using a popular horror subgenre theme as part of its story. I Can’t Wait !!!!

And if anyone is curious,I haven’t seen any new films(including THE EXORCIST:BELIEVER and FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S[with its multimillion dollars success saving Blumhouse Production from disappearing[after the critical failure of the new EXORCIST film]) but I did check out the YouTube channel Prism’s alternate STAR WARS Sequel Trilogy and while it was better than the actual Kathleen Kennedy and J.J. Abrams films,it still wasn’t very good with way too much of leaning on Abrams(and his[and Rian Johnson’s] Trilogy’s boring new characters),the underusages of Chewbacca,See Threepio,Artoo Detoo,and Lando Calrissian,and an even more ridiculous finale.

Other than that,I’ll see everyone again real soon.

In Two Weeks Comes Eli Roth’s THANKSGIVING:The Movie,As Both Eli Roth Haters And Skeptical Fans Are Already Downtalking On It As I’ll Just Wait Till Its Official Theatrical Release Before I Have My Say On It.

— Steven M.

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Who Now Owns The Rights To The HALLOWEEN Series ?! And Plus: That Dreaded TNA Wrestling Name Returns !!! :O :O

Last week came the news of a bidding war between Miramax(who have owned the HALLOWEEN rights since 1995[courtesy of Quentin Tarantino buying the rights for them]) and (Lionsgate sublabel) A24 as fake news later broke out that A24 won the rights(with plans for Ari Aster to direct[with the A24 fanboys{who strongly yearn for A24 to produce and release every single movie as much as the 90s fanboys yearning for Quentin Tarantino to write and direct every single film on the planet} loudly cheering]),which was soon quickly shot down by Bloody Disgusting’s main boss Brad Miska as it was truthfully revealed that Miramax re-owns the ownership to the HALLOWEEN series,with announced plans for both a television series and a handful of spin-off films to build up an expanded HALLOWEEN cinematic Universe.

While it is a good idea of not having A24 own the rights(which would have damaged A24’s heavily grim and bleak artsy horror image),having Miramax re-own the right isn’t a good idea,either,as they pretty much helped damage and injure the latter HALLOWEEN films with the various HALLOWEEN storyline becoming as separate as Paul Naschy’s Waldemar The Wolfman films with separate alternate universes that got the fans confused as I would rather see the likes of either Lionsgate or New Line Cinema to buy the rights to the HALLOWEEN series(since I strongly despise the word franchise) since they both have a much better handle on horror cinema. Otherwise,if they are to do spin-off films for the HALLOWEEN films,have spin-off films on the likes of (a much younger) Sam Loomis(when he faced a previous dangerous “evil”),(Danielle Harris’) now-adult Jamie Lloyd,(Paul Rudd’s) Tommy Doyl,(the Blumhouse Trilogy’s) Allyson(Laurie Stroud’s granndaughter),and new separate HALLOWEEN villains to further expand the HALLOWEEN Universe,with brief cameos by Michael Myers in them(of course). And also features guest cameos from the actors and the actresses that featured in the original,Miramax,Rob Zombie,and Blumhouse Trilogy films.

And to anyone that is curious to know,I also have been slagging down on my writing on here due to disliking and losing interest in both movies and the horror genre,as everyone who is familiar with my writings know how much I heavily despise Harry Knowles,his strong influence on Hollywood,modern film journalists,modern film critics,modern fans,and modern filmmakers of the 21st. Century even though I faithfully follow the Roger Ebert philosophy of watching films with an open mind to give everyone a chance,and how much I equally despise the “Never heard of this../Underrated/Fight Me !/Your Form Of Entertainment Sucks” generation as things are growing more worse(with too much Harry Knowles-itis,too much Tarantino-itis,and the wrongful labeling of actresses as “actors”[which I also strongly despise) as even Matthew Vaughn also comments on the same thing as I do here.

And plus: Impact Wrestling is now back to using their old TNA Wrestling name ?!?! :O :O

While no wrestling podcasters nor wrestling based YouTube vidcaster absolutely not giving a shot nor even caring as they all still consider TNA to be a completely dead company entity,as one strongly wonder who is the Secret Mystery Big Bucks Money Backer that helped current Impact owner Scott D’Amore secure both the rights to the TNA name and the Las Vegas Palms Casino PPV venue for their January 2024 Hard To Kill PPV event.

R.I.P.: To Filmmakers Anthony Hickox And Jeff Burr,Porn Star Herschel Savage,and Actor Burt Young.

— Steven M.

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All Kinds Of Random Topics,Including The Fate Of The HALLOWEEN Series

I took a month-and-a-half off due to personal issues as I’m back as I’ll quickly cover a lots of things to get out of the way such as the latest drama filled situations involving Mitch McFreezie(/McConnell),the deranged and destruction minded Marjorie Taylor Psycho(/Greene),California’s San Francisco Bay Area(my former hometown) collapsing due to rampant crime running wild,Hollywood still burning due to Fran Drescher refusing to give in to any corporate major studio offers(and might be pushing the strike to to six months),the Hollywood Writers Guild Finally ending their strike,wrestler LuFisto’s major drama and CM Punk(and his toxic drama) being fired from AEW,Jade Cargill arriving in WWE/NXT,Jann Wenner booted from the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame,Russell Brand’s MeToo problems,both the Blue Ridge rock festival and this year’s Burning Man festival being deeply bogged down by various issues(that left both festival’s attendees literally stuck in the mud),both Amicus Productions and Hammer Films properly making their second resurrections,the BARBIE film making over $500 million at the box office while enraging far right wing Republicans just for its existence(as I could care less about that film),both THE EXORCIST:BELIEVER and (the full length feature version of) THANKSGIVING are coming soon to theaters,and COVID-19 is rumored to be making a big comeback as several people are getting sick once again.

Meanwhile,the major news is that the HALLOWEEN series is planning a major comeback as its current rights owner Miramax Films is heavily working on finding an ew home studio now that their three picture deal with both Universal Pictures and Blumhouse Productions has ended as it is rumored that (Lionsgate’s sublabel) A24 is courting around those HALLOWEEN rights(which would kill A24’s unique image),for what I have to say is that if the HALLOWEEN series is to return then their rights owners really should consider going with these very ideas to help resurrect the HALLOWEEN brand…

  • * Definitely expand the HALLOWEEN Universe by bringing in new horror villains(both male and female[who all get their own spin-off films]) and explore new worlds(as hinted by the earlier film’s Celtic theme[as it was in 1981’s HALLOWEEN II and HALLOWEEN III:SEASON OF THE WITCH]).
  • Not only make a HALLOWEEN themed horror anthology film(with one of those tales featuring Michael Myers) but also follow on John Carpenter’s one film anthology(which the TALES FROM THE CRYPT films undertook) as they should make spin-off films that feature the likes of a prequel with a younger Dr. Sam Loomis(with facial hair) that faces a different kind of horror(that shapes him into the Loomis that we all know),and spin-off films with Jamie Lloyd(with Danielle Harris back,of course),(Paul Rudd’s)Tommy Doyle,and (the Blumhouse HALLOWEEN films’) Alyson all facing a different kind of horror,and a solo film with The Man In Black unleashing his own reign of terror,all with cameos from all of the other actors and actresses from the other HALLOWEEN films(from the original to HIII to Rob Zombie’s two films to Blumhouse’s three films).
  • …hopefully,they could(and should) consider those ideas to properly resurrect HALLOWEEN again.

Until next time…

So,NSync Is Planning A Reunion,Eh ?! It’s A Bit Too Late As That Reunion Should Have Happened 10 to 12 Years Ago,But Then Again If The New Kids On The Block’s Reunion Could Happen Then NSync’s Reunion Will Likely Happen.

— Steven M.

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Hollywood Is Imploding Right In Front Of Us. Plus:Many Angering Topics And Terrible News Items To Get Off Of My Chest.

Striking screen actors will begin picketing alongside writers in New York and Los Angeles on Friday in what has become the biggest Hollywood labor fight in decades. The double-barreled strike will shut down the small number of productions that continued shooting in the two …

Source: Striking actors will begin picketing alongside writers in fight over the future of Hollywood – Las Vegas Sun Newspaper

Yes,Hollywood is mightily imploding in front of our very eyes,and rightly so as the likes of Hollywood’s top people such as David Zaslav,James Gunn,Bob Iger,Kathleen Kennedy,Tom Cruise,Quentin Tarantino,and Harry Knowles are the causes behind all of this continuous mayhem and chaos that only heightens the increasing growth of indie horror/genre films to fill up all of the theatrical(and drive-in) screens with.

As these SAG and WGA people(such as THE NANNY star-turned-anti-vaxxer/anti-5Ger/current SAG President) Fran Drescher) heavily complain about how AI is taking over Tinseltown,it is actually the many clueless people in producing,acting,writing(courtesy of the 90s’ and the early 2000s’ multi million scriptwriting gigs that brought in a lot of terrible untalented people),and filmmaking that are causing Hollywood to implode into flames as much of the YouTube,various genre movie news sites,and Letterboxd based film critics,film journalists,and fandom community members are adding further fuel to the growing flames with their heavy lack of film knowledge,their strong drive to hate something(and everything that is in their sights),their endless array of spreading toxicity upon every debuting news item(whether it involves films,sports,music,wrestling,and other social news topics),and their mindless worship of super overrated film idols. And indeed,there has been a disturbing rise brownnosers(of everything that is terrible in music,films,and reality),contrarians(alias people that have opposing views over everything),armchair producers,actors,actresses,writers,and filmmakers,mucho expensive Alamo Drafthouse knock-off theaters(without the horror/genre/cult films specialty nights),and brainless trolls(who repeatedly say “I never heard of…” and “underrated” just to annoy the more intelligent people) in the last three-to-five years that is getting increasingly worse,no thanks to Harry Knowles and his toxic influence over everything that is film/Hollywood and Internet related.

And I have a handful of angering new items to get off my chest….

  • So,Manson Family member Leslie Van Houten has been freed from prison(against the orders of California governor Gavin Newsom[who still wishes she was behind bars]),for what is she going to do now(besides make multi million deals in future interviews[over the grotesque crimes that she and The Manson Family committed]): become Mitch McConnell’s next pick as a Supreme Court judge ?
  • Hey,Roseanne Barr: I heard your ugly anti-Semitic comments that I find very offensive(as my grandmother used to work for Jewish people in the past) that should get you banned from show business. And Michael Rapaport: if you’re an anti-Trump progressive why are you defending and protecting Roseanne Barr(who he happens to be friends with) while trashing anyone that criticizes her as that puts you out of a progressive talking head gig.
  • The only good thing about the success of SOUND OF FREEDOM(which was financially backed by both faithploitation based and QAnon based producers) is that it was released by an indie film company(even if it is a Christian/faith film company with shady tactics). But at least it is an indie film company gaining a lot of success(ala Cinedigm[who had similar success theatrically releasing TERRIFIER 2]) over both the corporate major studios and the corporate mini-majors studios.
  • Duane “Dog The Bounty Hunter” Chapman had better hope that trans person Dylan Mulvaney(whom he threatened to beat up on sight) doesn’t know both MMA and the martial arts.
  •  R.I.P.: Tony Bennett,legendary singer pf the past whom MTV heavily plugged and passed onto to the 90s generation(to get them to love swing music[with the last several decades{the late 80s,the 90s,the 2000s,the 2010s,and now the 2020s} being very strange and utterly bizarre times in life{my life,at least}]),as at least MTV did help Tony Bennett to be continuously remembered(as they did with The Monkees in the mid 80s).
  • So,Geraldo Rivera has now left Fox News after being there for 22 years(for the high multi million dollar paydays),for I guess that all of the QAnon/Tea Party/Infowars influences that came over there got to him and made him return to his past (70s,80s,and 90s) liberal base.

Well,that is all that I have to say for now,as I’ll just happily sit back in my rooftop with a beer in one hand and a large basket full of popcorn on my lap and watch Hollywood implode(so that it can be completely rebuilt from scratch[by the indies]).

So,Now There Is A New Menudo That Is Composed Of Five Tween Guys From Every South American Nation,I Hear. I Heard Their New Music And It Sounds Like NSync-Meets-Backstreet Boys-Meets-New Kids On The Block,But Nobody Is Listening To It And Nobody Is Buying It.

— Steven M.

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So…The New INDIANA JONES Film Really Sucks That Bad,Eh ?!

Wow(!!!!): what a last few weeks it has been,now that we’re into July which means just five months left until the New Year of 2024(a.k.a.:The Presidential Elections year),with the tragic losses of celebrities Treat Williams,Alan Arkin,and Julian Sands amid the mini sub that was full of a few billionaires(and one of the billionaire’s reluctant late teens soon[who had a really bad feeling about that mini-sub]) that attempted to go deep undersea to explore the remains of the Titanic(as Oscar winning filmmaker James Cameron has done numerous times) but ended up never making it there when their mini sub imploded(killing everyone inside),as it is on to much bigger news….

This weekend premieres INIDANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY to theaters,and boy has it been receiving many,many bad reviews. While I won’t be able to see the new film until next week,I am amazed and surprised upon how many bad reviews that the fifth on-screen adventure of Indy has gotten given how much everyone rightfully hates Kathleen Kennedy,the clueless Lucasfilm figure head that destroys everything that she touches being the absolute yenta that she truly is(who obviously keeps her job by blackmailing her higher-up studio bosses). The new late 60s set story has also been heavily trashed in its depiction of an older Indy while the film apparently focuses more on his younger god daughter Helena,with a younger heroic woman being the Kathleen Kennedy cinematic trademark while every anti-feminism YouTube based film critic has been trashing the film on that Kennedy pro-female hero approach while being accused of being “Woke”. These YouTube and Internet film critics are so completely clueless when it comes to using that word(as they are with the super overrated and super annoying likes of “Underrated”,”I Never Heard Of This Person”,and “I Never Heard Of This Film”) as I have yet to see this film and I’ll just wisely save my thoughts about this new film until I get a chance to see it.

I also have some choice words for the likes of England’s Perth Fyre restaurant chef/Gordon Ramsey wannabe John Mountain(who has banned vegans from his expensive eaterie[meaning he’ll lose money from not catering to those vegan customers),the lates brainless antics from both the Supreme Court and Roseanne Barr(who is the latest in an extremely long line of people to have a podcast) and of rumored plans by Warner Brothers Discovery to do away with TCM(alias Turner Movie Classics),but I’ve got no time to fully dwell into them as there is always another time for those subjects(especially with the latest on-goings on TCM).

I hope that everyone had a great and very Happy Fourth Of July.

So,The New MISSION IMPOSSIBLE Sequel Is Coming Up With Sixtysomething Tom Cruise Acting Like He’s Jackie Chan In Doing Some Wild Stunts,As I Absolutely Have No Plans To See This Latest Hollywood Travesty(That’ll Make Corporate Oligarch Major Studio Owners Very Happy),As We’ll See If It Truns Out The same Way As The Recent FAST X Did(Which Didn’t Live Up To Higher Expectations[Box Office-Wise],In Spite Of Jason Mamoa As The Fantastic Wrestling Heel-esque Villain[Who’ll Be Back For The Next Two FAST AND THE FURIOUS Films]).

— Steven M.

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It’s Now June 2023,And Hollywood Is As Clueless As Ever


First off,the month of June is now here as it means Summer will be getting hotter,Summer movie season is officially here,and we’re all six months before the year of 2023 ends and the Presidential election insanity of 2024 starts up.

The latest new is on the ever super overrated mega filmmaker Quentin Tarantino as he made a rant against streaming films on streaming services and how he considers streaming movies to not be actual movies. While I can agree with him about the mechanics of streaming services such as Netflix,I fully disagree with him on this one as many indie horror/genre films strongly rely on streaming services to keep their films alive and well and regularly played at places such as Tubi(/TubiTV),Peacock,and Crackle as it is too bad that the once-indie cinema based Tarantino doesn’t realize this as Tarantino has the mannerisms of a heavily spoiled rotten person who got everything that he ever wanted in life when he was 14 years old as he was majorly treated in Hollywood and still is(ala Tom Cruise) with Tarantino being as much of a close friend to Hollywood and its elites as both Tom Cruise and the Sundance Film Festival are. And I highly doubt it if his new film project THE MOVIE CRITIC will actually be his last film,which doesn’t sound like the kind of film project to be bombastic enough to climax Tarantino’s filmmaking career with.

And yes,Hollywood and the Hollywood filmmaking community has become a major mess since Tarantino fanboy/junk journalist Harry Knowles loudly crashed his way upon the Hollywood scene and became a majorly bad influences on fans,film fandom,and all Hollywood filmmakers as there has been a mighty drop in film quality that began in the late 90s,continued through the 2000s,and is still marching onward in the 2020s with the foolish way that modern horror and modern film podcasters,film critics,journalists,magazine and news sites editors,actors,actresses,filmmakers,and modern film fans(mainly the tools who think that Rian Johnson is to blame for what happened with STAR WARS when it’s actually Ole Dough face Kathleen Kennedy and J.J. Abrams that are the main culprits) all (to quote the Technical Work Rate productions YouTube vidcast) act like nine year old Down Syndrome stricken kids on Meth amid being all major smarky marks for themselves and their crapola celluloid products. And as much as I strongly hated Film Threat’s Chris Gore in the 90s(for his views on horror cinema and his anti-Chas. Balun stance),he’s become so right about everything that has gone on in Hollywood’s films and both fandom and film culture of today with 4/5 of people sucking up to Harry Knowles and both corporate Hollywood and corporate mini-major films and especially with how STAR WARS has turned out since its Disney acquisition,even though there have been those same types of anti-Rian Johnson fan tools and far right wing STAR WARS supporters who have been occupying Gore’s STAR WARS On Trial YouTube mini-series.

And that is it for me,for now anyway(even if the long delayed THE FLASH is now Finally out in theaters: more on that film another time).

So,(That Major Jabroni) Tom Cruise Wants To Cancel The Releases Of Other Films Before His New MISSION IMPOSSIBLE Fil Gets Released(And Move Those Films’ Release Dates),As It Is The Studio Bosses’ Decision And Not Tom Cruise To When Those Films Get Released.

–Steven M.

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